Research Interests
My research interests involve the application of quantitative and data analytic methods to a wide variety of problems in psychology and the behavioral sciences. Among these applications are ones for the study of small samples, for dealing with analysis of variability, for understanding growth and change, and for the integration of biological (e.g. imaging and genetric) and behavioral data.
I was the founding editor of Psychological Methods, the APA senior journal dealing with methodological issues and was a former editor of the Psychological Bulletin.
Selected Publications
- Appelbaum, M.I. & McCall, R.B. (1983). Design and analysis in developmental psychology. In P.H. Mussen (Ed.), Manual of Child Psychology: Vol 1. History, Theory, and Methods (pp. 415-476). New York: Wiley.
- Appelbaum, M. (1997). Design, Measurement, and Statistical Approaches. In Dobbbing. J (Ed.) Developing Brain and Behaviour. Academic Press. Pages 511-516.
- Bates, E., Appelbaum, M., Salcedo, J., Saygin, A.P., Pizzamiglio, L. (2003). Quantifying dissociations in neuropsychological research. J. Experimental and Clinical Neuropsychology, 25(8), 1128-1153.
- Sweet, M. and Appelbaum, M.I. (2004). Is Home Visiting an Effective Strategy: A Meta-Analytic Review of Home Visiting Programs for Families with Young Children. Child Development, 75(5),1435-1456.
- Stiles, J., Stern, C., Appelbaum, M., Nass, R., Trauner, D., and Hesselink, J. (2008). Effects of early focal brain injury on memory for visuospatial patterns: Selective deficits of global-local processing. Neuropsychology, 22(1), 61-73
Updated 2010