John Wixted awarded Howard Crosby Warren Medal

John Wixted has recently been awarded Experimental Psychology's most prestigious and oldest award, the Howard Crosby Warren Medal for his research. With this award, he joins the elite company of notable psychologists, such as Karl Lashley, B. F. Skinner, Harry Harlow, Endel Tulving, Anne Treisman, and Larry Squire. recognition of his recent penetrating and influential work examining human memory theoretically, experimentally, and biologically--particularly the constructs of recollection and familiarity. John Wixted has conducted pioneering research and created extensive theoretical analyses of recognition memory.

He has developed and extended the original ideas from signal detection theory in novel ways and brought them to bear on new phenomena, ones that had previously seemed incompatible with the theory. His recent theoretical analyses have blended strengths of single and dual process theories of retrieval into one coherent theoretical framework that includes both recollection and familiarity as components. Within his model, he has shown that both recollection and familiarity are graded processes. In addition, in collaboration with Larry Squire, he has shown that the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex support both recollection and familiarity. For these outstanding achievements, John Wixted is presented with the Howard Crosby Warren Medal.

John Wixted