Contact & Directions
Student Services
1533 Mandler Hall, tel: 858.534.3001, fax: 858.534.2324
5217 McGill Hall, tel: 858.534.2947, fax: 858.534.7190
Hours: M-F 8-12, 1-4:30
Mailing Address
Dept. of Psychology, UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0109
For departmental reserved parking spots in Scholars Parking Garage, please access via Scholars Dr. South/Muir Lane.
The Psychology Department is housed in McGill Hall and Mandler Hall, which are buildings #246 and #245 respectively, in John Muir College on the central UCSD campus.
Psychology student services are located on the first floor of Mandler Hall, 1533.
Psychology administrative offices are located on the fifth floor of McGill Hall, 5217.
The Crick Conference Room, where many of our talks and presentations are held, is on the third floor of Mandler Hall, 3545.
Also: UCSD Campus Map.