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Adam Aron


My research is now focussed on the social psychology of collective action on the climate crisis.

Urgent action is needed at a large­ societal scale to prevent the worst consequences of anthropogenic global heating. Better understanding the prospects for such action can come from human psychology. How do people arrive at their beliefs? What is the basis of denial and delay? How does belief flow to action? What kinds of actions can people take on the climate crisis? How and when will they join together? I am interested in applied research on these questions that is informed by experience with, and the needs of, the climate movement. See Adam’s recent book on the Climate Crisis.

  • Castiglione A, Brick C,  Holden S, Miles-Urdan E, Aron AR (2022, registered report). Discovering the psychological building blocks underlying climate action – a longitudinal study of real-world activism. Royal Society – Open Science.
  • Aron AR, Ivry RB, Jeffery KJ, Poldrack RA, Schmidt R, Summerfield C, Urai AE (2020). How can neuroscientists respond to the climate emergency? Neuron
  • Aron AR (2019). The climate crisis needs attention from cognitive scientists. Trends in Cognitive Science
  • Aron AR and Verbruggen F (2008). Stop the presses: dissociating a selective from a global mechanism for stopping. Psychological Science
  • Aron AR, Poldrack RA (2006). Cortical and subcortical contributions to Stop signal response inhibition: role of the subthalamic nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience.
  • Aron AR, Fletcher P, Bullmore ET, Sahakian BJ, and Robbins TW (2003). Stop-signal inhibition disrupted by damage to right inferior frontal gyrus in humans. Nature Neuroscience

Updated Aug 2020