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Experiential Learning Opportunities

Beyond the Classroom

Your education doesn't stop when you leave the classroom. Participate in a variety of experiential learning opportunities offered through our department and the University to gain a better understanding of Psychology. Earn academic credit, learn new skills, and prepare for your future! The Psychology Department accepts the following special learning opportunities toward major and/or minor requirements. For additional opportunities on- and off-campus that may not count toward your Psychology requirements, please see our Additional Campus Resources page.

  • Teaching Apprenticeships
    • Assist in the classroom, learn the methodologies of teaching, and obtain teaching skills under the supervision of a faculty member or graduate student.
  • Undergraduate Internships
    • Assist in a professional setting under the advisement of a faculty member.
  • UC/DC Program
    • Participate in an internship and coursework in Washington, D.C.
  • Study Abroad
    • Travel abroad and gain educational experience in a setting outside UC San Diego.
  • Global Seminars
    • Take classes abroad with UC San Diego professors.
  • Research Opportunities
    • Work in a Psychology-related lab