Norman Anderson
Emeritus Professor

- Research Interests
- Selected Publications
Research Interests
Professor Norman Anderson was one of the founding member of the Department in 1965. He has been a prolific and prominent researcher well-known for his contributions to the areas of social and cognitive psychology. His foundational ideas formed the basis of a distinct and highly valued approach to the functioning of the intelligent mind called the Functional Measurement apporach to Information Integration Theory (FMIIT). This approach combines the logic of experimental design and advanced methods of statistical analysis with substantive theory to provide a better understanding of how individuals process information, perceptions, and experiences to form judgments and make decisions, to enhance the quality of these judgments and decisions and to improve their associated outcomes.
Dr. Anderson has published broadly in fields including Developmental Psychology, Social Judgment and Decision Making, Psychophysical Judgment, and Methods and Data Analysis. The influence of his over 150 publications, including multiple influential books, is evident also in their citation index; he has eighteen publications with over 100 citations each. In 1992, he was awarded the AAAS Prize for Behavioral Science Research.
In addition to his generosity to the UCSD Psychology Department, Dr. Anderson has performed numerous service positions over the past several decades. Dr. Anderson has served as Consulting Editor of the Journal of Experimental Psychology and of the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology and has been a member of the Board of Editors of Perception & Psychophysics, the Journal of Mathematical Psychology, and Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation. In addition, he has served as a member of both the Psychobiology Panel of the National Science Foundation, and on its Social Psychology Panel.
Selected Publications
- Anderson, N.H. Moral Science, 2012, self-published.
- Contents
- Dedication
- Foreword
- Chapter 1: Functional Theory and Moral Science
- Chapter 2: Deserving Theory
- Chapter 3: Negative Deserving: Blame
- Chapter 4: Legal Judgement as Information Integration
- Chapter 5: Moral Development
- Chapter 6: Models, Methods, and Measurements
- Chapter 7: Issues in Moral Development
- Chapter 8: Unified Science of Psychology
- References
- Author Index
- Anderson, N.H. Unified Social Cognition, 2008, Psychology Press.
- Anderson, N.H. Empirical Directions in Deisgn and Analysis, 2001, Erlbaum.
- Anderson, N.H. Functional Theory of Cognition, 1996, Psychology Press.
- Anderson, N.H. Contributions to Information Integration Theory, 1992, Erlbaum.
- Anderson, N.H. Methods of Information Integration Theory, 1982, Academic Press.
- Wilkening, F., & Anderson, N.H. (1982). Comparison of two rule assessment methodologies for studying cognitive development. Psychological Bulletin, 92, 215-237.
- Anderson, N.H. Foundations of Information Integration Theory, 1981, Academic Press.
- Anderson, N.H., & Shanteau, J. (1977). Weak inference with linear models. Psychological Bulletin, 84, 1155, 1170.
- Anderson, N.H. (1976). Equity judgments as information integration. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 33, 291-299.
- Anderson, N.H. & Butzin, C.A. (1974). Performance = Motivation x Ability: An integration-theoretical analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30, 598-604.
- Anderson, N.H. (1971). Integration theory and attitude change. Psychological Review, 78, 171-206.
- Anderson, N.H. (1965). Primacy effects in personality impression formation using a generalized order effect paradigm. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2(1), 1-9.
- Anderson, N.H. (1965). Averaging versus adding as a stimulus combination rule in impression formation. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 394-400.
Updated August 2015