Graduate Publications
* Denotes a publication resulting in whole or part from a qualifying paper
Carleton, M., & Oesch, N. W. (2024). Asymetric activiation of ON and OFF pathways in the degenerated retina. eNeuro, 11(5).
Huang, J., & Wixted, J. T. (2024). Jury instructions should prioritize reflector variables recorded during the first test of an eyewitness’ memory. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Advance online publication.
Kosoy, E., Reagan E. R., Jeong, S. (2024). Adventures in AI Wonderland: How children are shaping the future of AI. Invited Feature for ACM Interactions Magazine, 31(6), 28-33.
McCauley, T. G., McAuliffe, W. H., & McCullough, M. E. (2024). Does empathy promote helping by activating altruistic motivation or concern about social evaluation? A direct replication of Fultz et al.(1986). Emotion.
Smith‐Flores, A. S., Herrera‐Guevara, I. A., & Powell, L. J. (2024). Infants expect friends, but not rivals, to be happy for each other when they succeed. Developmental Science, 27(1), e13423.
Quinn, J., Goldrick, M., Arnett, C., Ferreira, V. S., & Gollan, T. H. (2024). Syntax drives default language selection in bilingual connected speech production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.
Rett, A., Amemiya, J., Hwang, B., Goldwater, M., & Walker, C. M. (2024). Children’s recognition of causal system categories across superficially distinct events. Developmental Psychology.
Ubeda Matzilevich, E.^, Daniel, P.L.^, & Little, S. (2024). Towards therapeutic electrophysiological neurofeedback in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 121, 106010.
Wennberg, J.W., Serences, J.T. (2024). Mixing and mingling in visual working memory: Inter-item competition is feature-specific during encoding and feature-general during maintenance. Atten Percept Psychophys.
Yilmaz, A.S., Wang, X., & Wixted, J.T. (2024). Response bias modulates the confidence-accuracy relationship for both positive IDs and lineup rejections in a simultaneous lineup task. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 38(2), e4196.
Yilmaz, A.S., & Wixted, J.T. (2024). What latent variable underlies confidence in lineup. Journal of Memory and Language, 135, 104493.
^ = co-first authors
Agrawal, T., & Schachner, A. (2023). Hearing water temperature: Characterizing the development of nuanced perception of sound sources.Developmental Science, 26(3), e13321.
Daniel, P.L., Bonaiuto, J.J., Bestmann, S., Aron, A.R., & Little, S. (2023). High precision magnetoencephalography reveals increased right-inferior frontal gyrus beta power during response conflict. Cortex, 158, 127-136.
Dobkins, K., Dickenson, J., Lindsay, D., & Bondi, T. (2023). Changing the landscape of mental health among college students: A community case study of a course on learning sustainable well-being. Frontiers Public Health, 11.
Bainter, S. A., McCauley, T. G., Fahmy, M. M., Goodman, Z. T., Kupis, L. B., & Rao, J. S. (2023). Comparing Bayesian variable selection to lasso approaches for applications in psychology. Psychometrika, 88(3), 1032-1055.
Oey, L. A., Schachner, A., & Vul, E. (2023). Designing and detecting lies by reasoning about other agents.Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(2), 346-362.
Salovich, N.A., Mason, C.E., & Rapp, D.N. (2023). Evaluating tweets reduces the influence of inaccurate content, but does “liking” a tweet reflect evaluation? Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 12, 352-363.
Smith-Flores, A. S., Bonamy, G. J., & Powell, L. J. (2023). Children’s reasoning about empathy and social relationships. Open Mind, 7, 837-854.
Smith, L. M., Yurkovic-Harding, J., Carver, L.J. (2023). Multimodal pathways to joint attention in infants with a familial history of autism. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 64, 101325.
Smith-Flores, A. S., & Powell, L. J. (2023). Joint reasoning about social affiliation and emotion. Nature Reviews Psychology, 2(6), 374–383.
Brockbank, E., Barner, D., & Vul, E. (2022). Ongoing dynamic calibration produces unstable number estimates. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Brockbank, E., & Walker, C. M. (2022). Explanation impacts hypothesis generation, but not evaluation, during learning. Cognition, 225, 105100.
Carleton, M., & Oesch, N. W. (2022). Differences in the spatial fidelity of evoked and spontaneous signals in the degenerating retina. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 16, 1040090.
Jiang, Y., Jiang, Y., Leqi, L., & Winkielman, P. (2022). Many Ways to Be Lonely: Fine-Grained Characterization of Loneliness and Its Potential Changes in COVID-19. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 16(1), 405-416. Retrieved from
Kim, M. & Schachner, A. (2022). The origins of dance: Characterizing the development of infants' earliest dance behavior. Developmental Psychology. DOI: 10.1037/dev0001436.
McCauley, T. G., & McCullough, M. E. (2022). Retrospective self-reported childhood experiences in enriched environments uniquely predict prosocial behavior and personality traits in adulthood. Evolutionary Psychology, 20(3), 14747049221110603.
McCauley, T. G., Billingsley, J., & McCullough, M. E. (2022). An evolutionary psychology view of forgiveness: Individuals, groups, and culture. Current opinion in psychology, 44, 275-280.
Park, S., & Serences, J. T. (2022). Relative precision of top-down attentional modulations is lower in early visual cortex compared to mid- and high-level visual areas. Journal of Neurophysiology, 127(2), 504–518.
Schneider, R. M., Brockbank, E., Feiman, R., & Barner, D. (2022). Counting and the ontogenetic origins of exact equality. Cognition, 218, 104952.
Tallman, C. W., Clark, R. E., & Smith, C. N. (2022). Human brain activity and functional connectivity as memories age from one hour to one month. Cognitive neuroscience, 1–19.
Yilmaz, A.S., Lebensfeld, T., & Wilson, B.M. (2022). Enhancing evidence of innocence from
police lineups. Law and Human Behavior, 46(2), 164-173. c
Ahn, D., Ferreira, V. S., & Gollan, T. H. (2021). Selective activation of language specific structural representations: Evidence from extended picture-word interference. Journal of Memory and Language, 120, 104249.
Brockbank, E., & Vul, E. (2021). Formalizing opponent modeling with the rock, paper, scissors game. Games, 12(3), 70.
DeStefano, I., Oey, L.A., Brockbank, E., & Vul, E. (2021). Integration by Parts: Collaboration and Topic Structure in the CogSci Community. Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-15.
Hone, L. S.^, McCauley, T. G.^, Pedersen, E. J., Carter, E. C., & McCullough, M. E. (2021). The sex premium in religiously motivated moral judgment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(6), 1621.
Kent, M., Mardian, A. S., Regalado-Hustead, M. L., Gress-Smith, J. L., Ciciolla, L., Kim, J. L., & Scott, B. A. (2021). Adaptive homeostatic strategies of resilient intrinsic self-regulation in extremes (RISE): a randomized controlled trial of a novel behavioral treatment for chronic pain. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 613341.
Lapidow, E., Tandon, T., Goddu, M., & Walker, C. M. (2021). A Tale of Three Platforms: Investigating preschoolers’ second-order inferences using in-person, Zoom, and Lookit methodologies. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:731404. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.73404
Lapidow, E., & Walker, C. M. (2021). Rethinking the “gap”: Self-directed learning in cognitive development and scientific reasoning. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, e1580. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1580
Lapidow, E., Killeen, I., & Walker, C. M. (2021). Learning to recognize uncertainty vs. recognizing uncertainty to learn: Confidence judgments and exploration decisions in preschoolers. Developmental Science, 00, 1-8. doi: 10.1111/desc.13178
Shields, C. N., & Gremel, C. M. (2021). Prior chronic alcohol exposure enhances Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer. Alcohol, 96, 83-92.
Sundby K., Jana S, Aron AR (2021). Double blind disruption of right inferior frontal cortex with TMS reduces right frontal beta power for action-stopping. Journal of Neurophysiology.
^ = co-first authors
Ahn, D., Abbott, M. J., Rayner, K., Ferreira, V. S., & Gollan, T. H. (2020). Minimal overlap in language control across production and comprehension: Evidence from read-aloud versus eye-tracking tasks. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 54, 100885.
Bainter, S. A., McCauley, T. G., Wager, T., & Losin, E. A. R. (2020). Improving practices for selecting a subset of important predictors in psychology: An application to predicting pain. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(1), 66-80.
Forster, D. E., Billingsley, J., Russell, V. M., McCauley, T. G., Smith, A., Burnette, J. L., Ohtsubo, Y., Schug, J., Lieberman, D., & McCullough, M. E. (2020). Forgiveness takes place on an attitudinal continuum from hostility to friendliness: Toward a closer union of forgiveness theory and measurement. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(4), 861.
Hannah R, Muralhidaran V, Sundby K., Aron AR (2020). Temporally-precise disruption of prefrontal cortex informed by the timing of beta bursts impairs human action-stopping. Neuroimage.
Judd, J. M., Smith, E. A., Kim, J. L., Shah, V., Sanabria, F., & Conrad, C. D. (2020). Chronic stress has lasting effects on improved cued discrimination early in extinction. Learning & Memory, 27(8), 319-327.
Lapidow, E., & Walker, C. M. (2020). Informative experimentation in intuitive science: Children select and learn from their own causal interventions. Cognition, 201, 104315. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2020.
*Lapidow, E., & Walker, C. M. (2020). The Search for Invariance: Repeated Positive Testing Serves the Goals of Causal Learning. In: Childers J. (eds) Language and Concept Acquisition from Infancy Through Childhood (pp. 197-219). Springer, Cham.
McAuliffe, W. H., Moshontz, H., McCauley, T. G., & McCullough, M. E. (2020). Searching for Prosociality in Qualitative Data: comparing Manual, Closed–Vocabulary, and Open–Vocabulary Methods. European Journal of Personality, 34(5), 903-916.
Pantoni MM, Carmack SA, Hammam L, Anagnostaras SG (2020). Dopamine and norepinephrine transporter inhibition for long-term fear memory enhancement. Behavioural Brain Research, 378, 112266.
Smith, A., McCauley, T. G., Yagi, A., Yamaura, K., Shimizu, H., McCullough, M. E., & Ohtsubo, Y. (2020). Perceived goal instrumentality is associated with forgiveness: A test of the valuable relationships hypothesis. Evolution and Human Behavior, 41(1), 58-68.
*Shields, C. N., & Gremel, C. M. (2020). Review of Orbitofrontal Cortex in Alcohol Dependence: A Disrupted Cognitive Map? Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 44(10), 1952-1964.
Yazdi, H., Heyman, G.D., and Barner, D. (2020). Children are sensitive to reputation when giving to both ingroup and outgroup members. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,194, doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2020.104814
*Pantoni MM, Anagnostaras SG (2019). Cognitive Effects of MDMA in Laboratory Animals: A Systematic Review Focusing on Dose. Pharmacological Reviews, 71, 413-449.
Sundby, K., Johanna Wagner, and Adam R. Aron (2019). The functional role of response suppression during an urge to relieve pain. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31.9: 1404-1421.
Proulx, C. D., Aronson, S., Milivojevic, D., Molina, C., Loi, A., Monk, B., ... & Malinow, R. (2018). A neural pathway controlling motivation to exert effort. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201801837.
Pan, S. C., and Rickard, T. C. (2018). Transfer of test-enhanced learning: meta-analytic review and synthesis. Psychological Bulletin.
Schreiner, D. C., & Gremel, C. M. (2018). Orbital Frontal Cortex Projections to Secondary Motor Cortex Mediate Exploitation of Learned Rules. Scientific reports, 8(1), 10979.
Tomoschuk, B., Ferreira, V. S., & Gollan, T. H. (2018). When a seven is not a seven: Self-ratings of bilingual language proficiency differ between and within language populations. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1-21.
Bapat, A. N., Shafer-Skelton, A., Kupitz, C. N., & Golomb, J. D. (2017). Binding object features to locations: Does the “spatial congruency bias” update with object movement?. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-13.
Brady, T. F., Shafer-Skelton, A., & Alvarez, G. A. (2017). Global ensemble texture representations are critical to rapid scene perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(6), 1160.
Pan, S. C., and Rickard, T. C. (2017). Does retrieval practice enhance learning and transfer relative to restudy for term-definition facts? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.
Rickard, T. C., and Pan, S. C. (2017). A dual memory theory of the testing effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Rickard, T. C., and Pan, S. C. (2017). Time for considering the possibility that sleep plays no unique role in motor memory consolidation. Psychological Bulletin 143(4).
Shafer-Skelton, A., Kupitz, C. N., & Golomb, J. D. (2017). Object-location binding across a saccade: A retinotopic spatial congruency bias. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79(3), 765-781.
Shafer-Skelton, A. & Golomb, J. D. (forthcoming). Memory for retinotopic locations is more accurate than memory for spatiotopic locations, even for visually guided reaching. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Tillman, K. A., Marghetis, T, Barner, D., & Srinivasan, M. (2017). Today is tomorrow’s yesterday: Children’s acquisition of deictic time words. Cognitive Psychology, 92, 87-100.
Tran, R., & Pashler, H. (2017). Learning to exploit a hidden predictor in skill acquisition: Tight linkage to conscious awareness. PloS one, 12(6), e0179386.
Tran, R., Vul, E., & Pashler, H. (2017). How effective is incidental learning of the shape of probability distributions?. Open Science, 4(8), 170270.
Walbeek, T. J., & Gorman, M. R. (2017). Simple Lighting Manipulations Facilitate Behavioral Entrainment of Mice to 18-h Days. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 0748730417718347.
Freeman, S. M., Itthipuripat, S., Aron, A. R. (2016). High working memory load increases intracortical inhibition in primary motor cortex and diminishes the motor affordance effect. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(20): 5544-5555.
Freeman, S. M. & Aron, A. R. (2016). Withholding a reward driven action: Studies of the rise and fall of motor activation and the effect of cognitive depletion. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28(2): 237:251
Harrison, E. M., Walbeek, T. J., Sun, J., Johnson, J., Poonawala, Q., & Gorman, M. R. (2016). Extraordinary behavioral entrainment following circadian rhythm bifurcation in mice. Scientific Reports, 6, 38479.
Pan, S. C., Wong, C. M., Potter, Z. E., Mejia, J., & Rickard, T. C. (2016). Does test-enhanced learning transfer for triple associates? Memory & Cognition.
Ullman, M.T., & Lovelett, J.T. (In Press). Implications of the declarative/procedural model for improving second language learning: The role of memory enhancement techniques. Second Language Research.
Wagner, K., Tillman, K. A., & Barner, D. (2016). Inferring number, time, and color concepts from core knowledge and linguistic structure. In D. Barner and A. S. Baron (Eds), Core Knowledge and Conceptual Change (pp. 105-126). Oxford University Press.
Abbott, M. J., & Staub, A. (2015). The effect of plausibility on eye movements in reading: Testing E-Z Reader’s null predictions. Journal of Memory and Language, 85, 76-87.
Abbott, M. J., Angele, B., Ahn, Y. D., & Rayner, K. (2015). Skipping syntactically illegal ‘‘the”-previews: The role of predictability. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. (Advance online publication).
Freeman, S. M., Alvernaz, D., Tonnesen, A., Linderman, D., & Aron, A. R. (2015). Suppressing a motivationally-triggered action tendency engages a response control mechanism that prevents future provocation. Neuropsychologia, 68: 218-231.
Hall, M., Ahn, Y. D., Mayberry, R., Ferreira, V. (2015) Production and comprehension show divergent constituent order preferences: Evidence from elicited pantomime. Journal of Memory and Language, 81, 16-33
Jones, A. C., Wardlow, L., Pan, S. C., Zepeda, C., Heyman, G. D., Dunlosky, J., & Rickard, T. C. (2015). Beyond the rainbow: Retrieval practice leads to better spelling than does rainbow writing. Educational Psychology Review.
Pan, S. C., & Rickard, T. C. (2015). Sleep and motor learning: Is there room for consolidation? Psychological Bulletin, 141(4), 812-834.
Pan, S. C., Gopal, A., & Rickard, T. C. (2015). Testing with feedback yields potent, but piecewise, learning of history and biology facts. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(4).
Pan, S. C., Pashler, H., Potter, Z. E., & Rickard, T. C. (2015). Testing enhances learning across a range of episodic memory abilities. Journal of Memory and Language, 83, 53-61.
Pan, S. C., Rubin, B. R., & Rickard, T. C. (2015). Does testing with feedback improve adult spelling skills relative to copying and reading? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 21(4).
Squire, L. & Dede, A. (2015) Conscious and Unconscious Memory Systems. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. (7)
Tillman, K. A., & Barner, D. (2015). Learning the language of time: Children’s acquisition of duration words. Cognitive psychology, 78, 57-77.
Bacon, E. C., Dufek, S., Schreibman, L., Stahmer, A.C., Pierce, K., and Courchesne, E. (2014) Measuring Outcome in an Early Intervention Program for Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Use of a Curriculum-Based Assessment. Autism Research and Treatment. doi:10.1155/2014/964704
Carr, E. W., Korb, S., Niedenthal, P. M., Winkielman, P. (2014) The two sides of spontaneity: Movement onset asymmetries in facial expressions influence social judgments, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Volume 55, November, Pages 31-36, ISSN 0022-1031.
Carr, E. W., Winkielman, P. & Oveis, C. (2014) Transforming the mirror: Power fundamentally changes facial responsing to emotional expressiond. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 143(3), 997-1003.
Carr E. W., Winkielman P. (2014) When mirroring is both simple and “smart”: How mimicry can be embodied, adaptive, and non-representational. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. DOI=10.3389/fnhum.2014.00505
Darby, R. S., Henniger, N. E., & Harris, C. R. (2014). Reactions to physician-inspired shame and guilt. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 36(1), 9-26.
Damaggio, A. S & Gorman, M. R (2014). The circadian timing system in ethanol consumption and dependence. Behavioral Neuroscience, 128 (3), 371-86.
Damaggio, A. S. & Gorman, M. R. (2014). Circadian phase determines effects of repeated ethanol vapor exposure and withdrawal on body temperature and activity rhythms of male mice. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experiemental Research. 38(3), 879-88.
*Dede, A. J. O., Squire, L. R., & Wixted, J. T. (2014). A novel approach to an old problem: Analysis of systematic errors in two models of recognition memory. Neuropsychologia, 52, 51-56.
Freeman, S. M., Razhas, I., Aron, A. R. (2014). Top-down response suppression mitigates action tendencies triggered by a motivating stimulus. Current Biology, 24, 1-5.
Henniger, N. E. & Harris, C.R. (2014). Can negative social emotions have positive consequences? An examination of embarrassment, shame, guilt, jealousy, and envy. In W.G. Parrott (Ed.), The Positive Side of Negative Emotions (pp. 76-97). New York: Guilford Press.
Higgins, E. M., Leinenger, M. & Rayner, K. (2014) Eye movements when viewing advertisements. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00210
*Leinenger, M. (2014). Phonological coding during reading. Psychological Bulletin. 140 (6), 1534-1555.
Schotter, E.R., Tran, R., & Rayner, K. (2014). Don’t believe what you read (only once): Comprehension is supported by regressions during reading. Psychological Science. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/0956797614531148
Stavropoulos, K. K. M. and Carver, L. J. Reward anticipation and processing of social versus nonsocial stimuli in children with and without autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12270
Sullivan, J., & Barner, D. (2014). Inference and association in children's early numerical estimation. Child Development. doi: 10.1111/cdev.12211
Tran, R., Rohrer, D., & Pashler, H. (2014). Retrieval Practice: The Lack of Transfer to Deductive Inferences. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
Almoammer, A., Sullivan, J., Donlan, C., Marušič, F., Žaucer, R., O'Donnell, T., & Barner, D. (2013). Grammatical morphology as a source of early mathematical content. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 18448-18453.
Dede, A. J. O., Wixted, J. T., Hopkins, R. O., and Squire, L. R. (2013). Hippocampal damage impairs recognition memory broadly, affecting both parameters in two prominent models of recognition memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA: 110, 6577-6582.
Edelstein, M., Brang, D., Rouw, R., & Ramachandran, V.S. (2013). Misophonia: physiological investigations and case descriptions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00296
Harris, C. R., Chabot, A., & Mickes, L. (2013). Shifts in methodology and theory in menstrual cycle research on attraction. Sex Roles, 69, 525-535.
Harris, C. R. & Henniger, N. E. (2013). Envy, politics, and age. Frontiers in Psychology, 4:67.
Leinenger, M. & Rayner, K. (2013). Eye movement while reading biased homographs: Effects of prior encounter and biasing context on reducing the subordinate bias effect. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, DOI:10.1080/20445911.2013.806513.
Plummer, P., Perea, M., & Rayner, K. (2013, August 12). The influence of contextual diversity on eye movements in reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0034058.
Smith, K. A., Huber, D. E., & Vul, E. (2013). Multiply-constrained semantic search in the Remote Associates Test,Cognition,128, 64-75.
Smith, K. A. and Vul, E. (2013). Sources of Uncertainty in Intuitive Physics. Topics in Cognitive Science, 5: 185–199. doi: 10.1111/tops.12009
*Stavropoulos, K. K. M. & Carver, L. J. (2013) Research review: Social motivation and oxytocin in autism: Implications for joint attention development and intervention. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54, 603-618.
Stavropoulos, K. K. M. & Carver, L. J. (2013). Reward sensitivity to faces versus objects in children: an ERP study. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Advance Access, doi: 10.1093/scan/nst149.
Walker, D., Mickes, L., Bajic, D., Nailon, R., & Rickard, T.C. (2013). A test of two methods of arithmetic fluency training and implications for educational practice. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 2, 25-32.
Walker, D. & Vul, E. (2013). Hierarchical encoding of individuals in a group. Psychological Science. doi:10.1177/0956797613497969.
Wilson, B. M., Stolarz-Fantino, S., Fantino, E. (2013). Regulating the way to obesity: Unintended consequences of limiting sugary drink sizes. PLoS ONE 8(4): e61081. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061081.
Angele, B., Tran, R., & Rayner, K. (2012). Parafoveal-Foveal overlap can facilitate ongoing word identification during reading: Evidence from Eye Movements. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. doi:10.1037/a0029492
*Byers, A. & Serences, J.S. (2012). Exploring the relationship between perceptual learning and top-down attentional control. Vision Research, 74, 30-39.
*Harrison, E. M. & Gorman, M. R. (2012). Changing the waveform of circadian rhythms: considerations for shift-work.Frontiers in Neuroscience 3(72). doi: 10.3389/fneur.2012.00072
Hofree, G. & Winkielman, P. (2012). On (not) knowing and feeling what we want and like. In S. Vazire & T.D. Wilson (Eds.)Handbook of Self-Knowledge (p. 210). New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Ingram, K. M., Mickes, L., & Wixted, J. T. (2012). Recollection can be weak and familiarity can be strong. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(2), 325-339.
Monk, B. R., Leslie, F. M. and Thomas, J. D. (2012), The effects of perinatal choline supplementation on hippocampal cholinergic development in rats exposed to alcohol during the brain growth spurt. Hippocampus. doi: 10.1002/hipo.22009
Plummer, P., & Rayner, K. (2012). Effects of parafoveal word length and orthographic features on initial fixation landing positions in reading. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, epub ahead of print.
Scolari, M., Byers, A., & Serences, J. (2012). Optimal deployment of attentional gain during fine discriminations. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32(22), 7723-33.
Staub, A., Abbott, M., & Bogartz, R. (2012). Linguistically guided anticipatory eye movements in scene viewing. Visual Cognition, 20(8), 922-946.
Sullivan, J. & Barner, D. (2012). How are number words mapped to approximate magnitudes? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 389-482.
Sullivan, J. & Barth, H (2012). Active (not passive) spatial imagery primes temporal judgments. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65, 1101-1109.
Swann, N. C., Cai, W., Conner, C. R., Pieters, T. A., Claffey, M. P., George, J. S., Aron, A. R. (2012) Roles for the presupplementary motor area and the right inferior frontal gyrus in stopping action: Electrophysiological responses and functional and structural connectivity. NeuroImage, 59(3), 2860-70.
Winkielman, P., Huber, D. E., Kavanagh, L., & Schwarz, N. (2012). Fluency of consistency: When thoughts fit nicely and flow smoothly. In Gawronski, B. & Strack, F. (Eds.), Cognitive consistency: A unifying concept in social psychology. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Winkielman, P. & Hofree, G. Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (p. 1130). New York, NY: Springer.
Harrison, E. M., Gorman, M. R., Mednick, S. C. (2011). The effect of narrowband 500 nm light on daytime sleep in humans. Physiol Behav. 103(2):197-202.
Kavanagh, L. C., Suhler, C. L., Churchland, P. S., and Winkielman, P. (2011). When it's an error to mirror. Psychological Science, 22, 1274-1276.
Mickes, L., Walker, D. E., Parris, J. L., Mankoff, R., & Christenfeld, N. J. S. (2011). Who’s funny: Gender stereotypes, humor production, and memory bias. Psychonomic bulletin review. doi:10.3758/s13423-011-0161-2
Sullivan, J., & Barner, D. (2011). Number words, quantifiers, and principles of word learning. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 2, 639-645.
Sullivan, J., Juhasz, B., Slattery, T., & Barth, H. (2011). Adults' number-line estimation strategies: Evidence from eye movements. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18, 557-563. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-011-0081-1.
Ybarra, O., Winkielman, P., Yeh, I. Burnstein, E., & Kavanagh, L. (2011). Friends (and sometimes enemies) with cognitive benefits. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 253.
Claffey, M. P., Sheldon, S., Stinear, C. M., Verbruggen, F. & Aron, A. R. (2010) Having a goal to stop an action is associated with advance control of specific motor representations. Neuropsychologia, 48(2), 541-548.
Rogers, K. B., & Kavanagh, L. (2010). Bridging social psychologies. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73, 333-334.