***This is the 2021 Careers in Mind Symposium page. To return to our main Careers in Mind page, please click here.***
Careers in Mind - May 2021
Careers in Mind is a virtual symposium where we host Psychology career-related panels in the month of May. We invite Psychology Alumni and community members to speak about their career paths. This event is free to UC San Diego students!
This year’s theme is Embracing Intersectionality and Identities. As we embrace aspects of who we are, we look for ways to incorporate those experiences and identities into our work, interests and careers. Through this year's CiM, we hope to share a variety of experiences including First-Generation professionals and Black, Indigenous, & People of Color professionals in the field of Psychology.
Please join us in the Month of May to listen to the empowering stories from our UCSD Psychology alumni and community members.
Sessions require separate Zoom registration. Please click on the links below to register.
Schedule of Events
Careers in Mind Opening Speaker: Dr. E. Nathaniel Chapman
- I am Who I am: The Journey of a Black Psychologist
- Dr. E. Nathaniel Chapman will share chapters of personal and professional life and how they have shaped his perspective as a clinical psychologist and educator.
- Date: Monday, May 3rd @12:00pm PST
Panel #1: Navigating Your Career as a First-Generation Professional in Psychology
Featuring the voices and experiences of First-Generation professionals in Psychology.
Date: Tuesday, May 4th @ 4:00pm PST
Panel #2: Counseling Psychology Professionals Panel
Featuring UCSD Psychology alumni and community members with a Counseling background, working directly with patients.
Date: Friday, May 7th @ 2:30pm PST
Panel #3: Business Psychology Professionals Panel
Featuring UCSD Psychology alumni with a Business background in Psychology.
Date: Tuesday, May 11th @ 4:00pm PST
Panel #4: BIPOC Professionals in Psychology
Featuring UCSD Psychology alumni in the field of Psychology who identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC).
Date: Friday, May 14th @ 2:30pm PST
Panel #5: Clinical Psychology Professionals Panel
Featuring UCSD Psychology alumni and community members with a Clinical background.
Date: Tuesday, May 18th @ 12:00pm PST