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***This is the 2022 Careers in Mind Symposium page.  To return to our main Careers in Mind page, please click here.***

UC San Diego Psychology Department Careers in Mind Logo

Careers in Mind - May 2022

Careers in Mind is a virtual symposium where we host Psychology career-related panels in the month of May. We invite Psychology Alumni and community members to speak about their career paths. This event is free to UC San Diego students!

This year's theme is Shaping your Future in an Evolving Workforce. Join us to hear from Psychology Alumni and community members on how they have navigated the evolving workforce. Having adapted through ambiguity, we are moving forward confidently by recognizing the valuable skills we have acquired.

Please join us in the month of May to listen to the motivating stories from our UCSD Psychology alumni and community members. 

Sessions require separate Zoom registration. Please click on the links below to register. 

Panel #1: Recent Graduates Panel

Featuring graduates from the past three years discussing their experiences during their first years after graduation and post-graduate plans. 
Date: Monday, May 2nd @ 12pm PST

Panel #2: Counseling Psychology Professionals Panel

Featuring UCSD Psychology alumni and community members with a counseling background, working directly with patients. 
Date: Tuesday, May 3rd @ 4pm PST

Panel #3: Business Psychology Professionals Panel

Featuring UCSD Psychology alumni working in Human Resources, Data Analytics, etc. 
Date: Friday, May 6th @ 2:30pm PST

Panel #4: Clinical Psychology Professionals Panel

Featuring UCSD Psychology alumni and community members with a clinical background.
Date: Tuesday, May 10th @ 12pm PST

Panel #5: Psychology and Beyond Panel

Featuring UCSD Psychology alumni and community members with a diverse set of careers.
Date: Friday, May 13th @ 2:30pm PST

Panel #6: Networking Session with Panelists

Join us for casual networking with professionals in the field. We will split into breakout sessions to allow for connection and a sharing of experiences. 
Date: Tuesday, May 17th @ 4pm