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Undergraduate Instructional Apprentice (UGIA)

The Spring 2025 UGIA Application is open and accepting submissions by no later than ​Wednesday​March 5, 2025

Participating in a Psychology 195 Undergraduate Instructional Apprentice (UGIA) position provides students an opportunity to learn the methodologies of teaching and obtain teaching skills that can be utilized for graduate schools or in other professions.

Eligibility requirements for Psychology 195 UGIA

  • Successful completion of the course you would like to be a UGIA for with at least an A-, preferably with the same instructor.
  • Must be a declared Psychology Major or Minor
  • Upper-division standing (JR or SR, at least 90 units completed)
  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.0

Prospective UGIAs who do not meet all the eligibility requirements may be eligible to petition to serve as a UGIA. Petitions must demonstrate how the individual is qualified to complete the duties to be performed as a UGIA. Please note, petitions are subject to final review with the Academic Senate. Submitting a petition does not guarantee an application will be approved. 

Academic Senate Restrictions for UGIA positions

  • UGIAs' only grading option is Pass/No Pass. 
  • Students cannot be a UGIA for the same course more than once.
  • Students cannot be a UGIA for more than one course in a quarter.
  • Total credit accumulated as a UGIA shall not exceed eight (8) units in any department at UC San Diego.

Academic Senate restrictions may not be petitioned.

Deadline to Submit Application

  • For Fall 2024 – Friday, September 13, 2024
  • For Winter 2025 – Sunday, December 1, 2024
  • For Spring 2025 – Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Contact the instructor of the pertinent course before the deadline to discuss eligibility and duties and gain approval. No paper form is required; however, students must apply online using the Google Form linked above.

Duties and Responsibilities

Duties will be inclusive of a combination of the following responsibilities, depending on instructor's instructional needs:
  1. Throughout the quarter, UGIA should meet with instructor on a regular basis (e.g., weekly) to ensure ongoing communication regarding progress of students and course.
  2. Attend all class lectures and instructional meetings.
  3. Lead sections or discussions (depending on instructional need). UGIA is expected to have mastery of course material to provide quality services to students during discussions sections or office hours.
  4. Hold office hours - minimum of two hours per week.
  5. Assist with course preparation (e.g., research articles for use in course, preparation of exam questions, lecture presentations, and photocopying course material).
  6. Assist with proctoring examinations and grading – UGIAs are only allowed to grade objective questions and scantrons.

Method of evaluation and course credit

A PSYC 195 can only be taken for credit and not for pay. Students can only participate as a UGIA a maximum of two times for two different courses (totalling 8 units), however, only four units can be applied toward the psychology major as upper-division psychology elective credit. Students will be evaluated for their performance at the end of the quarter on a P/NP basis.

Training and Supervision of Undergraduate Instructional Apprentice (UGIA)

UGIAs must meet with the instructor before the beginning of instruction to establish organizational guidelines for the quarter. Course material (books or syllabus) will be available prior to or at the beginning of instruction. UGIAs are expected to refresh their knowledge on the material to be fully prepared for their duties. UGIAs are under the mentorship and supervision of the instructor the offering course and the graduate TAs assigned to the course. UGIAs will be trained for their responsibilities at the beginning of the quarter. After the initial meeting, regular weekly meetings with the instructor and the graduate TAs are essential. UGIA office hour space is available in Mandler 1570; you must e-mail Psychology Student Affairs at in order to make arrangements for your office hours.