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Psychology FAQ's for Undergraduates


Which degree is best for me?

One degree is not better than the other – how you intend to use your degree is a more important consideration. We encourage you to research the major options listed on our website and compare them to your graduate school and career goals. You should also look at classes that are of interest to you. Students may change major tracks within Psychology at any time. For more help choosing a major and classes, please see our Career Guide and the Career Center.

What courses can I take for a P/NP grading option?

For Psychology BA and BS majors (with and without specialization) and Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience majors: All lower division courses EXCEPT PSYC 60 (or COGS 14B or MATH 11 or the equivalent) can be taken P/NP. PSYC 60 MUST be taken for a letter grade.

For Business Psychology BS majors: All lower division courses EXCEPT PSYC 60 (or the equivalent), MGT 16, and MGT 18 can be taken P/NP. PSYC 60 (or the equivalent) and both MGT courses MUST be taken for a letter grade.

For all majors: Remember, no more than 25% of your total UC San Diego courses may be taken pass/no pass.

Can I take an upper division P/NP?

No. All upper division courses applied to the major MUST be taken for a letter grade. If there is ANY chance that you would eventually declare Psychology as your major, then you should take all Upper Division Psychology classes for a letter grade. 

The only exception to this rule are classes that cannot be taken for a Letter Grade but will apply to the major: PSYC 195 (may be applied once to our majors' Elective requirements by petition), AIP 197 (requires pre-approval and mentorship by a Psychology faculty member; may be applied once to our majors' Elective requirements by petition), and PSYC 199 (or COGS/MGT 199, depending on major requirements; applies toward Research requirements for BS majors ONLY).

Do I have to take all the lower division courses listed for natural science? How do I choose what classes to take?

Students can select any 2 (BA majors) or 3 (BS majors) of any courses listed under the Natural Science area on their degree audit or the Psychology Majors pages. Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience majors will need to take COGS 17 and 2 additional courses listed under the Natural Science area on their degree audit.

Natural Science coursework often can overlap with your college General Education requirements; consider checking your GEs for courses that can count for both requirements.

Natural Science courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics that are numbered 10 or greater are intended for non-science majors; these (as well as COGS 17 or PSYC 2) are the recommended courses for most Psychology majors (unless they are pursuing a second major or minor, or a post-graduate program that would require the courses intended for science majors).

Can I apply a "D" grade to my Psychology major?

Yes; the department will accept a D grade toward Psychology B.A. and B.S. degrees. However, both your major GPA and cumulative GPA must be at least 2.0 in order to graduate.

The minimum grade in any class counted toward a Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Bachelor of Science degree is a C-.

Can I take lower division courses at community college?

You can take a lower-division course at a community college. Use for guidance on the specific course to take. Contact the Psychology Department via the Virtual Advising Center if you do not see your course listed.

Will I receive credit for a class I took at community college that has the same title as a core class or upper division Psychology class?

Community college courses will only transfer for lower division credit. While the course content may be similar, community college courses will not replace upper-division electives required by the major. This is due to accreditation requirements, and no exceptions can be made.

Can I transfer upper division courses for credit?

Any course taken at another UC, CSU, or other 4-year institution offering a bachelor’s degree must be petitioned before it can be used in place of a UCSD Psychology course. The course syllabus must be submitted with the petition form. Please see our Petitions page for more information and step-by-step instructions.

What is PSYC 99/199?

PSYC 99/199 is an opportunity for students to participate in independent study related to research being carried out by Psychology faculty. Students may assist in running subjects, collecting data, and/or evaluating data under the supervision of a faculty member or graduate student.

Undergraduate research experience is highly regarded by graduate schools and provides students early insight into a future career, or helps change minds while there is still time to do so. PSYC 99 and 199 will only count towards the research experience requirement for the B.S. degree and will never count as a Psychology Electives for either the B.S. or the B.A.

How do I sign up for PSYC 99s/199s?

Current opportunities are advertised through the REAL Portal. Students can also approach relevant faculty directly. Instructions can be found on the Research page.

How do I declare a double major with Psychology?

The double major petition form can be picked up from your college, or found on TritonLink.

All major requirements must be listed on the double major petition. For example, you should list all three Natural Science and two to four Formal Skills courses (depending on your choice of major), the Programming course and the Statistics course. Upper division courses you have completed or in which you are currently enrolled can be listed on the form. 

Do not list courses you have not yet taken; instead use the generic terms "PSYC Core", "PSYC Specialization", "PSYC Elective" or "PSYC Research" (or, if you are in the CBN major, "CBN Core", "CBN Specialization", etc.; Business Psychology majors should list "PSYC Core", "Bus PSYC", "Bus MGT", etc.). You must indicate that you are aware of ALL lower and upper division courses required for the major.

If you are overlapping any classes between your two majors, you will need to declare the specific overlapping courses on your double major petition form as well. Students may overlap a maximum of two courses between their two majors.

For instructions on how to fill out the double major petition form, please check out this example of a completed form (pdf).

Bring your completed form to the Psychology Student Affairs Office in 1533 Mandler Hall. If you have questions contact the Psychology Department via the Virtual Advising Center.

Can I declare a double major using two majors within the Psychology department? Can I major in two Psychology specializations?

It is not possible to double major within the same department. As such, you may not officially earn two Psychology specializations (although it is possible to complete the requirements for both, so that you can choose to graduate with either).

Students majoring in Cognitive & Behavioral Neuroscience who wish to additionally earn a Psychology degree MAY choose to declare their CBN major through Cognitive Science so that they may earn one of our other Psychology degrees.  Remember, you may only overlap a maximum of two Upper Division courses between double majors, so students choosing this route will need to choose their courses wisely.

What is the difference between Psychology, Cognitive Science and Human Development at UCSD?

At UCSD, Psychology can briefly be described as the study of human/animal mental functions and behavior with a scientific emphasis.

Cognitive Science may be concisely defined as the study of the nature of intelligence with an emphasis in three main areas – brain, behavior and computation.

Human Development focuses on scientific issues of growth, development, and behavioral change across the lifespan.


What courses count for the minor?

Psychology courses numbered from 1-193 are eligible to count for minor. Students may also count PSYC 195, PSYC 199, and approved AIP 197 in Psychology, up to one time each toward Psychology minor requirements. All other restrictions (below) and procedures (for applying credit for an AIP 197, for example), will apply.

How many courses can I take for P/NP?

Up to 3 courses can be taken for P/NP. Remember, no more than 25% of your total UC San Diego courses may be taken pass/no pass and at least 4 of your Upper Division courses must be taken at UC San Diego for a letter grade.

How do I declare a Psychology minor?

Refer to the department-specific instructions found on the Psychology Minor page. You complete the process when you submit your Undergraduate Declaration of Minor using the Major/Minor tool on TritonLink.

Can I take lower division courses at Community College?

You can petition to take a maximum of two courses from a Community College to count for the minor. Refer to for specific information on transferability.

Can I overlap upper division courses between my major and my Psychology minor? Can I overlap courses between my Psychology minor and another minor?

You may overlap up to two Upper Division courses for use between a major and a minor; these must be approved by both departments. You will need to request the overlap from each department using the Virtual Advising Center. You may not overlap courses between two minors (and the same courses may not count for both a Psychology major and more than one minor). For more information, please see TritonLink.

Business Psychology Major

What are the goals of the Business Psychology major?

The purpose of the major is to engage students in the applied science of Business Psychology. This major is administered by the Psychology Department and includes classes offered by Rady School of Management.  

The objectives of this major include:

  • Providing robust curriculum that gives students the skills to understand and apply psychological principles to personal, social, and organizational issues.
  • Aiding in the development of ethically and socially responsible behaviors for professional and personal settings in a landscape that involves increasing diversity.
  • Providing extensive statistical training and the application of research techniques to novel business problems.
  • Helping students to recognize, understand, and respect the complexity of sociocultural and international diversity.
  • Allowing students to focus their studies on a functional area of greatest interest through elective options.
  • Expanding applied learning opportunities in the study of Business Psychology to widen the possible career paths for Psychology students.

What career options are related to Business Psychology?

Your career options are diverse! Some of the most popular include:
• Human Factors research
• User Interface (UI/UX) design
• Behavioral Economics research
• Statistical Analysis and Research
• Human Resources
• Organizational Consulting
• Business Management/Leadership
• Entrepreneurship
• Government Research
• Marketing/Advertising

Can I earn a Business Psychology B.S. and a minor in Business?

Business Psych major students may not earn a Business minor, Entrepreneurship minor, or Supply Chain Management minor through the Rady School of Management. It is possible to earn a minor in Accounting. 

Please see the Rady School of Management Undergraduate FAQ for more information.

Can I double major with the Business Psychology B.S.?

Students may double major with Business Psychology and another major outside the Psychology Department. Students may double major in the Business Psychology major and the International Business major or the Business Psychology major and the Management Science major. Note: Students may only overlap 2 UD courses between two majors. 

Students may not double major with Business Psychology and another Psychology major (e.g., Psychology B.A., Psychology B.S., Psychology with a Specialization in Clinical Psychology B.S., etc.).

Courses and Enrollment

How do I enroll in a course that requires department or instructor approval?

Use the EASy System to request enrollment. Please see our Getting Into Psychology Classes page for more information about course enrollment.

Can I contact the professor for clearance to enroll?

It is always a good idea to check our Getting Into Psychology Classes page first, as we try to keep it updated. Instructors may have already provided the information needed so we can clear you for enrollment sooner than they are able to respond.

I think there may be an error in how my final grade was assigned. Who do I contact?

Contact the instructor immediately. The instructor is the only person who can make the required change. 

I am unable to complete my course during the quarter due to an illness or other sudden, unexpected event. What do I do?

If you have completed most of the class work during a quarter and happen to have an unforeseen event or illness, you may be eligible for an Incomplete grade. Incompletes must be made up by the last day of Finals week during the quarter after your Incomplete class. You must be currently earning a passing grade in a class in order to be eligible for an Incomplete grade, and instructors have discretion over whether to offer students Incomplete grades.

Students DO NOT need to fill out an Incomplete Form; these are no longer required by the University or the department.

Please see the Incomplete Grades page on TritonLink for more information.

Which Psychology class should I take to prepare myself for the MCAT?

As you are aware, the MCAT requires students to answer questions in the fields of Psychology and/or Sociology. Students are encouraged to take classes to help prepare for this requirement. We suggest that students outside the major take any of our lower-division General Psychology classes (PSYC 1-7) or upper-division Psychology Core classes (PSYC 100-108) in order to prepare themselves to take the MCAT. Students may also be interested in taking PSYC 155: Social Psychology and Medicine. Students considering Psychology as a major may be interested in the Psychology Bachelor of Science with a Specialization in Human Health.

OSD Accommodations

What are the procedures if I am registered with OSD?

Please see Current Psychology Department Procedures for OSD Students regarding the Psychology Department Procedures for OSD students.

What if I am not registered with OSD?

You must register in person before you begin receiving academic support.

Instructions to obtain OSD services

Transfer/Study Abroad

How should I determine what courses I can take abroad?

Psychology students are encouraged to consider studying abroad. Please see our Study Abroad page for more information. Interested students should contact the Study Abroad Office in the International Center.

Once you are ready to go abroad, you must pre-approve any Psychology courses intended for use toward your Psychology major or minor requirements. After your return, you will need to petition your courses with the Psychology Department. Please see our Petitions page for detailed instructions.

How many courses can I transfer from another institution?

Students may only use up to three pre-approved upper-division courses toward their Psychology/CBN major. This includes all courses taken outside of UC San Diego, including other UCs and universities domestic and abroad.

Can I take classes at a Community College or another Four-Year Institution?

It is possible to earn credit in the Psychology major for courses taken at a Community College or another four-year institution. The majority of your Upper Division Psychology coursework should be taken on campus at UC San Diego, but both Lower and Upper Division courses may be transferred for major credit. Courses taken at California Community Colleges may be articulated on, but courses taken elsewhere must be petitioned before they can count for course credit. Please see our Petitions page for detailed information.

What courses should I take in my first quarter for the Psychology major?

New students should see our Advising section for New and Prospective Students for detailed information about what courses to take during their first quarter at UC San Diego.

If you have taken a course you believe is equivalent to one our courses and you cannot find it on ASSIST you may need to file a petition. Contact the Psychology Department via the Virtual Advising Center for help.

Didn't find your question? Contact the Psychology Department via the Virtual Advising Center.